
I was always brought up with a hands on attitude. If it’s crafts, DIY or otherwise ‘making’ stuff, that’s what I’ve been doing. One particular point of this – if you can’t buy it, make it yourself. So having landed in the ABDL world, there’s loads to apply myself to.

The final kick to get this blog going was at a recent (when I originally wrote this, in 2014!) event where I was seeing another’s efforts in building an adult baby door bouncer. A few off hand comments about how I’d not do it like that, then suddenly I’m realising I need to put my money where my mouth is and build a better one myself. Then I realised that although there’s been some built, no-one documents how to build one. Unlike the maker community that I’ve also been involved in, where everyone documents everything they make so others can have a go too – and suggest improvements on the way. So, I’m here to change that, one project at a time!

This is not a shop, I’m not looking to sell what I make. I’m not an expert on any of this, if anything I know just enough to be dangerous.

6 thoughts on “Intro

  1. Ashley moore says

    Hi would it be possible for you to make that adult baby door bouncer that you made but without the metal frame you built around it I just want the adult baby bouncer itself that you upscaled from the baby bouncer and in the same fabric you made the adult baby bouncer and I would like to also know if you could add the ropes to it so I can attach it to my own frame as I would love to have this for my bedroom and my other ABDL furniture


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